Professor at the University of KwaZulu Natal

Research Interests: The ecology of plant-pollinator interactions. Pollinator-driven speciation in plants. Plant breeding systems and ecological determinants of fruit and seed set. Floral mimicry in orchids and milkweeds. Coevolution of flowers and insects. 

Postdoctoral Researcher in Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology at the National Museum of Natural Science (CSIC). 

His research is focused on the evolutionary processes that generate and maintain biodiversity, to explore geographic variation across various spatial scales and infer the historical and selective factors driving population divergence and the formation of new species.

He is leading, with Christophe Thébaud, a lonng term project on Zosterops borbonicus, a small passerine endemic to Reunion
He currently co-supervises Maeva Gabrielli who does her Phd on the genomics of speciation in the Zosterops borbonicus complex 

Professor Dave Richardson is the Director at the C·I·B (Centre for Invasion Biology) at Stellenbosch University.

His specific expertise is in invasion ecology and particularly alien tree invasions. He is Editor-in-Chief of Diversity and Distributions and is a member of the IUCN Species Survival Specialist Group on Invasive Organisms.

Researcher, Biological Invasions and Research Co-ordinator for SANBI's Invasive Species Programme, based at Centre for Invasion Biology, Stellenbosch University. 

He is interested in the ecology and evolution of biological invasions, and how humans have influenced these processes. He is also working on why certain introduced populations are small, how these populations can best be managed, and which species to prioritize. 

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